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[General] [Notice] Rent Graduation Gown

  • 작성처총무팀 총무처
  • Date2025.01.22
  • 44150

[Notice] Rent Graduation Gown

Congratulations your Graduation! 

Office of General Administration will rent graduation gown for prospective graduate.

Students who are expected to receive a graduation certificate should refer to the details below.

1. Eligibility: Students expected to receive a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree end of this semester, at 2025. 2. 24.(Mon)

2. How to apply: EUREKA - My Home >Academic affairs >Graduation > 학위복 대여

3. Application and Payment Period: 

   2025. 2. 5.(Wed) 10:00 ~ 2. 11.(Tue) 23:00, (Deposing only weekdays)

ClassificationBachelor's degreeMaster's degree
Rental Fee5,000 won10,000 won
Deposit65,000 won90,000 won
Total70,000 won100,000 won

4. Rental/Return Period &Place

   - It would be from 2025. 2. 20.(Thu) ~ 2. 24.(Mon) at each college and graduate school building. 

     However specific time depends on each school administration office schedule and facilities condition.

   - It is very important every graduate-to-be who apply rent graduation gown should check all details by college homepage or department office. 

5. Attention

  - There is no extension of period. Please do not miss the application and payment period.

  - The deposit would be deposited to your EUREKA account after confirmation your gown return(Please do not close EUREKA account before you get the deposit). 

  -  We expect that the deposit refund process will be finished at least middle of March.