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Ewha University

Ewha at a Glance


(October, 2024)

이화여자대학교 2024년 10월 1일 현재 재적생 현황
Status Currently enrolled students Students on leave
Total 20,888 3,390
College 14,690 2,835
The Graduate School 3,401 274
The Graduate School of International Studies 239 9
The Graduate School of Translation & Interpretation 226 31
The Graduate School of Business 134 12
School of Law 326 8
The Graduate School of Education 922 99
The Graduate School of Design 148 16
The Graduate School of Social Welfare 117 24
The Graduate School of Theology 42 6
The Graduate School of Policy Sciences 85 7
The Graduate School of Performing Arts 182 28
Ewha Graduate School of Clinical Biohealth 155 12
The Graduate School of Clinical Dentistry 31 3
The Graduate School of Teaching Foreign Languages 89 19
The Graduate School of Data Science 101 7
Graduate 6,198 555
Graduate Students

(August, 2024)

이화여자대학교 2024년 8월 현재 졸업생 현황
Total 261,200
Bachelor (Ewha Hak-dang &
Ewha Womans Professional School included)
Master 61,563
Doctor 5,788
Faculty Members

(October, 2024)

이화여자대학교 2024년 10월 1일 현재 교직원 현황
Full-time Professors 952
Clerical Staff 307
School Facilities

(April, 2024)

이화여자대학교 2023년 4월 현재 학교시설현황
School Area 557,585㎡
School Building 527,283㎡
Number of Buildings 83
Administrative Organization

(October, 2024)

이화여자대학교 2024년 10월 현재 기구현황
A. 10 Offices, 1 University-Industry Collaboration Foundation, 42 Departments of Central Administrative Bodies
B. 45 Direct Auxiliary Bodies
C. 89 Research Institutes
D. 1 Global School of Continuing Education
E. 2 Hospital, 4 Affiliated Schools and 2 Auxiliary Schools (6 Affiliated and Auxiliary Schools)