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Tech-Biz EWHA 2024 Held to Showcase Innovative Growth Technologies

  • 작성처
  • Date2024.12.27
  • 70458

Tech-Biz EWHA 2024 Held to Showcase Innovative Growth Technologies

The Ewha University-Industry Collaboration Foundation (EUICF) hosted Tech-Biz EWHA 2024 at 2 p.m. on December 18, 2024 (Wed.) at Lee Sam-bong Hall of the ECC building, bringing together cutting-edge innovative growth technologies in one place.

혁신 성장 기술 한자리에 ‘테크-비즈 이화 2024’ 개최

Tech-Biz EWHA has been held annually since 2021 under the auspices of the EUICF to facilitate the commercialization of promising future technologies possessed by Ewha and to provide a venue for networking between companies and researchers. This year’s event was held successfully and attracted about 200 participants, including Ewha professors and researchers, member companies, and technology-demanding companies, as well as officials from related organizations such as Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province, Seoul Business Agency, Korea Technology Finance Corporation, and Korea SMEs and Startups Agency.
이준성 산학협력단장 | 김은미 총장 | 오영주 중소벤처기업부 장관

The event showcased major promising technologies held by Ewha’s faculty members in various fields such as biotechnology, medicine, new drugs, secondary batteries, data, security, and healthcare. Key technologies introduced include a communication-based language-cognitive diagnosis and rehabilitation program (Professor Jee Eun Sung of the Department of Communication Disorders); artificial intelligence (AI)-based image and video processing technology (Professor Jewon Kang of the Electronic & Electrical Engineering major); FMCW radar signal processing-based monitoring system and AI-based semiconductor vision inspection technology (Professor Jeong-Tae Kim of the Electronic & Electrical Engineering major); ultra-fast, ultra-compact respiratory monitoring and humidity sensing technology (Professor Jerome Kartham Hyun of the Chemistry & Nanoscience major); interface control technology for improving the performance and stability of next-generation secondary batteries (Assistant Professor Kwan Woo Nam of the Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science); BCI-sound-based sleep induction solution (Professor Eunju Jeong of the Department of Music Therapy); sensor and therapeutic technology using human receptor nanodiscs (Professor for Special Appointment Tai Hyun Park of the Department of Nutritional Science & Food Management); and therapeutic adjuvant development technology for breast cancer treatment (Clinical Assistant Professor An Jeongshin of the Ewha Womans University Medical Center). Additional presentations were given by external organizations, including the Scripps Korea Antibody Institute and University of Seoul.

혁신 성장 기술 한자리에 ‘테크-비즈 이화 2024’ 개최The event also featured a session showcasing key technologies from member companies of EWHA Tech-Net that have partnered with Ewha for industry-academia collaboration, subsidiaries of Ewha Womans University, and startups founded by alumnae. During the session, corporate support programs were introduced and a one-to-one technology partnering segment was conducted for participating companies. Furthermore, consultation booths for institutions and exhibition booths for alumnae-founded companies were set up to facilitate the vitalization of the industry-academia collaboration network.

혁신 성장 기술 한자리에 ‘테크-비즈 이화 2024’ 개최

Ewha holds more than 3,000 outstanding patents across diverse fields, including advanced biotechnology, AI, semiconductors and displays, next-generation communications, hydrogen, and quantum, gradually expanding the scale of its patents with the establishment of 32 faculty-founded companies, more than 100 student-founded companies, as well as 13 subsidiaries. In particular, through the Tech-Biz EHWA event since 2021, the university has served as a platform for 200 companies to showcase 75 technologies, attracting investment funding of KRW 10.5 billion, two mid-to-large-scale technology transfers, one global technology transfer, and the creation of five technology-based startups.

혁신 성장 기술 한자리에 ‘테크-비즈 이화 2024’ 개최